13 February, 2018

Heart on my Sleeve

onion that survived our move and started to sprout...

I can't believe I'm this bad at blog updating!!! Last week the pupper got collitis and it was just a warzone between us and her butt. Anything relating to LiLi's health always stresses me out. She's getting old and I just want her to have the best life possible. Thankfully a visit to the vet and going to work on the next day helped me destress a lot! I think the move finally took a toll on me (and LiLi) last week. I was exhausted like crazy! 

this cute little poo machine

happy sunbathing plant children

Anyway, the apartment is mostly furnished now. I think we still have to work out how to place our bikes and get one or two more shelving. Possibly even add a plant shelf! They are all so happy to be here. 

little gift from Judy, sweetest customer at work

baked a cake for coworker's birthday

I've been thinking a lot about how sensitive and prone to emotions I am. I just carry my heart on my sleeve, and it's pretty transparent too. It makes me so intense sometimes, I don't know how my friends put up with me. I now watch my boss at work who also carries her heart but in a much more calm way. She takes time to reflect and think about the things that affect her and don't let it bother her actions until there is clear reason to. I watch her and think that it's pretty admirable because my reactions are pretty instant (laughs). I'm looking forward to learning more from work. 

quick postcards I managed to squeeze in!

Lately I've been thinking how wholesome most things in my life has become: my cute little family and my nice non-stressful work. I think the last thing I want to work on the most is finding out where I want to go with art, as I feel I've been held back in that area of my life for some time. I want to be inspired and draw lots again!

he grew a lot!

As I finish this blog post, I have to go tend to a present LiLi left me... It is what it is!

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